Put Stock in Animals
Gifts of appreciated stock are a smart and simple way to support the Animal Welfare League of Arlington. These gifts allow you to give more with less because you may be able to both take an income tax deduction and avoid capital gains taxes. Best of all, your gift helps animals in need in our community.
To make a gift, you or your broker will need the following information:
Brokerage: Charles Schwab
Advisor: Matt Paprocki
Account Name: Animal Welfare League of Arlington
Account Number: 7829-3914
DTC Clearing Code: 0164
AWLA EIN: 54-0603502
As always, we recommend that you consult your tax or financial professional for advice before making charitable donations.
*Please note: When you make a gift to AWLA by transferring stocks into our account, we do not receive any information that identifies you as the donor. To ensure that we may provide the appropriate tax acknowledgement for your gift, please let us know.
Contact Kat Williams, Senior Director of Development, by phone at (703) 931-9241 x220 or email at kwilliams@awla.org.
The animals thank you, and we do too.