About Me
Hello my name is… Banni
About Me
Banni is laid-back bunny who loves to hang out. When he sees you coming, he’ll run right over to greet you looking to get some pets, especially nose scratches and head rubs. He’ll let you know he’s enjoying it with some teeth chattering (bunny purring).
Banni enjoys a good game of hide-and-seek – where you hide a treat somewhere in his play area and he goes on a hunt to find it. He likes to have some extra space, so he benefits from having a larger-size cage and x-pen (exercise pen) to move around in.
If you let him explore bunny-proofed areas of your home, he often goes where the people are. He likes to come over and see what you’re doing, or maybe sit on a chair right next to you or jump in your lap for a visit.
Banni is an expert in flopping and loafing. Once he gets to know you, he’s very relaxed and likes to nap with you sitting nearby. But watch out when he’s ready to zoom!
Some of his favorite foods are cilantro, romaine lettuce, and strawberry tops. He also loves to crunch on willow twigs and pet-friendly toys. He is also litter-box trained.
Banni would love to meet you! To schedule a visit with Banni, contact his foster family: awlahms@gmail.com
If you are interested in adopting Banni, please send an email to awlahms@gmail.com to arrange an initial virtual meet & greet with the pet’s foster parent or a staff member. They will reply to you within 24-48 hours.