Bunny Bonanza Adoption Event

We are full to the brim with rabbits, guinea pigs, parakeets, hamsters, and more! From Friday, November 12 until Sunday, November 21, get half off adoption fees for ALL small companion animals. Standard adoption policies and procedures apply. Click here to meet your new BFF!

Giving Tuesday 2021

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Home for the Holidays

Back again in 2021 by popular demand, you can take a shelter pet Home for the Holidays!  If you're staying in town for the holiday season and have extra room at your table, you can foster a dog, cat, or small companion animal and give them a much-deserved break from their kennels over the holidays!…


Holiday Pet Pantry Delivery

On Friday, December 24, 2021 AWLA staff and volunteers will be delivering parcels of pet food (wet and dry), treats, litter, and other supplies for cats and dogs to the homes of Arlington Co. pet families who need a little extra support during the holiday season. Registration for deliveries will open on Friday, December 3rd.…


Gutsy Mutts Confidence Building Class

Our Gutsy Mutts class will help you: Coax your dog out of their shell - at their own pace. Read your dog's body language, recognize signs of stress and/or fear, and help them cope with that fear. Use simple games to help your dog use their "think brain" rather than their "fight/flight/freeze brain". Teach your…


Basic Manners Class

Our Basic Manners Class is a four-week series that will cover the basic cues your dog needs to know: "sit", "down", "stay", and more. We use positive reinforcement training methods to foster a stronger relationship with your dog as you learn together as a team. Whether you've had your dog for a week or a…


Kids Workshop – Puppies!

Learn all about puppies during our interactive virtual Zoom workshop! During this 1-hour program, kids will learn all about the developmental stages of puppies, the benefits of spaying/neutering animals, and more. We'll also get a very special visit from some adorable puppies that are currently in our care! Click here to sign up
