Last year the Animal Welfare League of Arlington (AWLA), Arlington County’s only animal shelter, announced a positive outcome rate for shelter animals of 95%, far exceeding national standards. That means that the percentage of companion animals that were either adopted, returned to their owners, or transferred to one of AWLA’s network of rescue and rehabilitation partners dramatically increased each year since 2010 (when it was 76%).
We’ve just calculated our figures for fiscal year 2016, and they are even better. In the last 12 months our overall positive outcome rate was 96%! With the help of our donors, our volunteers, and our generous community we have continued to improve our service to homeless animals. See all of our sheltering statistics here.
Some of the factors that have made this success rate possible are:
· Dedicated Board, staff and volunteers who work together to make animals’ shelter stays as happy and healthy as possible
· Loving foster homes for our most vulnerable animals, such as newborn kittens
· Donor-supported medical treatment for sick and injured animals
· Generous adopters who make the choice to open their hearts to homeless animals.
To become part of AWLA’s mission to improve the lives of animals visit and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.